Leadership and Change
(three days)
Leadership demands developing a vision for your team, aligning your team behind that vision, and motivating people to achieve the vision. To become effective leaders, managers must be agents of change – leaders who overcome resistance to change, rise above its stresses, and apply appropriate change strategies. Managers must also be organizational architects, able to design teams and structures to fit new competitive conditions.
During our three-day classroom session, we will analyze leadership challenges that matter to you. Materials from Harvard Business School, three high-impact books, and “real-business-life” cases will help you apply leadership concepts to your situation. As a starting point for our discussions, we will put focus on participants and their leadership development areas.
Bill Maxwell has successfully led variations of this session since 2008. Many of the participants say that this short course had a great and positive impact on their leadership abilities.
Learning Approach
– Features experiential activities that involve all learning styles
– Dialogs around the textbooks and additional materials for the course
– Demonstrates and applies Lencioni’s The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive, Kotter’s Leading
Change and Heifetz’s The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization
and the World
– Uses a high degree of “right on” dialog as a foundational element of the course
– Explores case discussions on a group and individual level
– Assumes that modern leadership starts with the values of the leader (you)
– Learn how to better influence your direct reports and colleagues behind common missions
– Define effective leadership attributes and discuss how these can be applied
– Understand how to increase the level of change readiness and manage a change initiative
– Learn how to build effective teams and how to apply these concepts at work
– Gain new insights on behavioral challenges in the organization, and how to better address these issues
– Learn how to leverage emotional intelligence to support your success as a leader
– Identify, analyze, and begin to act on your personal goals and development areas
– Recognize and apply the core issues of change management